Uncovering the Secrets of Gold Plating

There is a thin layer of gold put on top of another base metal during the gold plating process. In 1805 the famous Italian chemist Luigi Valentino Brugnatelli came up with this way to put a thin layer of gold or silver using electricity.

The gold plating in Ajman was mostly used for looks until recently. It was used to give jewellery, watches, and other things a more expensive look. However, gold plating is now used in many fields, such as electronics and aircraft.

How does it do its job?

Before we can better understand how gold finishing works, let’s look at what gold is made of.

It is a valuable metal, which means that gold doesn’t rust. It’s also a great conductor of electricity, which means it’s easy to connect and send electrical messages through it. Because of this, when gold is placed on top of another metal, it forms a barrier that keeps oxygen and other elements that break down metals from touching it. Because of this, gold plating is a great way to protect metals that are in harsh settings.

Also, gold is a great conductor of electricity, so it is often used to coat electrical contacts, like the ones in computer systems, to keep the flow of electricity smooth.

How Much Gold Is Needed?

The amount of gold used to plate an item is based on how thick of a gold layer is needed for that purpose. Microns are used to measure width, with 1 micron equal to 1000 mm.

In general, things that get worn down more, like jewellery that rubs against clothes, will have a stronger layer of gold than things that don’t get worn down as much, like electrical contacts that are used in a controlled environment.

This means that a piece of jewellery that is gold-plated would have a layer of about 1 to 3 microns, while an electrical connection would have a layer of about 0.1 to 0.3 microns.

From this, we can see that plating a piece of jewellery would need more gold than plating an electrical connection.

What are the process involved in Gold Plating?

As was already said, gold plating is the process of putting a thin layer of gold over another metal. It takes a lot of work to gold-plate something, even though that definition sounds easy. How about we take a better look?

Step 1: Get ready

Keep the area you want to gold plate clean and free of any oils, dirt, or other things that could get in the way. There are many ways to do this, such as with ultrasonic cleaners, alkaline cleaners, chemical cleaners, or just soap and water. It’s important to do this step to make sure that the gold sticks to the surface properly and to keep the plating tanks clean.

Step 2: Wash it off.

Remove any dirt or oil from the area you want to gold plate and let it dry completely before moving on to the next step. This gets rid of any cleaner material that’s still there and starts from scratch.

Step 3: Hit it.

A strike layer, or thin coating layer, of high-quality nickel, is put on top of the clean base metal in this step. This makes it easier for the gold to stick to the surface and also keeps it from tarnishing over time.

Step 4: Rinse again

After putting on the strike layer, rinse the surface with pure water to get rid of any dirt that might be there.

Step 5: Paint it on

Hang the metal you want to gold plate from a negative hook (cathode bar) and lower it into the gold solution. Make sure the temperature, time, and voltage are all set properly first.

When the metal is put into the solution, an electrical charge will be put on it. This will make the negatively charged metal attract the positively charged ions in the solution. The metal will get a tiny layer of gold on top of it because of this. You should know that the layer of gold will get thicker the longer you leave the piece in the solution.

Step 6: Do a third rinse.

Finally, give the gold-plated surface one last rinse with pure water to get rid of any dirt that might be there. Hang the piece up to dry completely.

For how long does gold plating very well?

There are a lot of things that affect the answer to this question, such as how thick the gold layer is and what the piece is exposed to.

In most cases, a gold coating that is thicker will last longer than one that is lighter. This is because the thicker layer can stand up to more damage, like wear and tear, corrosion, and chemical attacks.

The place where the gold-plated item is kept will also impact how long the gold finish lasts. For instance, a gold-plated item that is exposed to salt water or other harmful substances will not last as long as one that is used in a controlled setting.

It’s important to remember, though, that gold plating isn’t a lasting fix. After some time, the gold layer will wear off, revealing the metal underneath. It also loses its shine and fades over time.

But if you take good care of it, gold plating in Dubai can usually last up to two years.

But it can be hard to find the right gold plating in Dubai for your needs, especially if you are new to the process. Make sure you use all of the information in this guide to help you make a smart choice. Value Surface Technologies is here to help you with gold plating in Dubai if you need any help or have any questions. We can gold plate a lot of different things, so we really can meet all of your needs. Get a price today for the gold plating in Ajman you need, or get in touch with us to find out more about what we do.

Breaking Barriers in Electroplating: Emerging Trends and Techniques

Electroplating, also known as electrodeposition or electroplated coating, coats metal with a thin layer of another metal using electrolysis. It strengthens the metal’s corrosion resistance. Electroplating alters physical characteristics. The alteration in physical characteristics improves aesthetics, corrosion prevention, and wear resistance. Electroplating improves metal beauty, special surface, engineering, and mechanical qualities. Electroplating in UAE uses copper, nickel, gold, silver, chrome, zinc, tin, rhodium, and aluminium most often.

Four main parts make up this process.

Anode: A positively charged electrode is used in the circuit. The anode holds plating metal.

Cathode: The circuit’s negatively charged electrode. It holds the substrate, or plate material.

Plating Solution: A crucial metal finishing solution. It facilitates circuit electrical flow as a catalyst. Copper sulphate and metal salts are typically in the plating solution.

Power source: Circuit current comes from the power supply. When connected to the anode, the power source supplies electricity.

How Electroplating Works

Insert the metal anode and substrate into the plating solution or electrolyte. Add power to the arrangement via the anode.

Thus, anode oxidation occurs when electricity is applied. The plating solution dissolves metal atoms as positive ions. Metal ions (positively charged ions) migrate to the negatively charged substrate due to the circuit current. This deposits a thin metal layer on the substrate. To ensure successful electroplating, remember these points. First, electric current quality impacts plating. Here, quality comprises voltage and current application time. Second, the electrolyte’s chemical composition and temperature affect process efficiency. Finally, always consider anode-cathode distance. This is because the distance dissolved metal ions travel to the substrate also affects plating effectiveness.

Electroplating precautions

  • Since the solution contains sulfuric acid and is corrosive, handle it carefully. If a solution or electrolyte goes into your eyes, clean them well and call a doctor.
  • Please wear goggles and gloves during this process to avoid electrolyte contact with the skin. An apron and fume hood are also essential. Use the fume hood to keep electrolyte fumes out of your face.
  • Keep plating solutions away from pets and children.
  • Electrolytes should not touch household chemicals. Contact could destroy the electrolyte or create harmful gases.
  • Storage of electrolytes should be between 40 and 95 degrees Fahrenheit. Keep it in the original container with the lid secured.
  • Always use a plastic funnel to distribute the electroplating kit electrolyte.
  • Be careful with electricity when doing this. Rubber mats, grounding, fusing, and insulated gloves.
  • Avoid wearing rings and other metallic jewellery throughout the treatment to avoid electrocution.

Three electroplating methods

Barrel Plated

This movement tumbles the substrate in the barrel, allowing homogeneous coating metal application. Thus, engineers utilise this type to improve substrate appearance and corrosion resistance. Engineers also utilise barrel plating to increase substrate wear resistance. It also makes plating high-volume items cheaper by allowing many substrates in the barrel. This makes barrel plating perfect for fasteners and stampings. Since it uses a modest electrical current, plating takes longer.


Rack and barrel plating differ. The substrate remains stationary. This approach restricts mobility compared to barrel plating. It also uses metal racks with spring fingers, cables, or screws to attach substrates. Thus, electrolyte immersion immobilises the substrate.

 Additionally, engineers use rack plating for fragile items. Parts may struggle with barrel plating’s tumbling. Rack plating is also ideal for big or complex substrates. Engineers choose it for high-quality finishes in medical, electrical, automotive, defence, and military devices. However, rack plating is labour-intensive and expensive. This plating approach protects substrates during plating.

Reels-to-reels plating

REEL-TO-REEL plating is cost-effective and efficient. Selective metal deposition on a substrate makes it a unique plating procedure. Engineers gain more from reel-to-reel plating, which is used to plate strips of produced or stamped items.

There are several reel-to-reel plating kinds.

  • Managed Depth Plating: Only both substrate edges are plated. Not found elsewhere.
  • Spot plating: Mask-based reel-to-reel plating. Here, metal deposits exclusively in uncovered spots.
  • Flat Stock: Like spot plating, flat stock deposits metal on uncovered substrates. They differ solely in the absence of spot plating.
  • The reel-to-reel Tape Masking plating method deposits metal on a substrate in a continuous strip. It’s vital to hide non-plating parts with tape.

Reel-to-reel plating is best for plating a specific substrate region. Due to its high plating rate, substrate conductivity and durability improve. Materials coated this way are corrosion-resistant and durable. Additionally, this plating approach saves money on high-volume applications.

Electroplating-Suitable Metals

Electroplating in Dubai uses one or more metals. Engineers employ various metals for this technique. The most often utilised metals are below.

  • Copper electroplating improves layer adhesion. It boosts substrate conductivity and heat resistance.
  • Zinc resists corrosion. Electroplating with zinc-nickel enhances substrate resistance to air corrosion.
  • Nickel is wear-resistant and good for electroplating. Its alloys provide elemental resistance, conductivity, and hardness substrates.
  • Silver plating is malleable and ductile. It looks good and resists contact wear well. Silver boosts electrical and thermal conductivity.
  • Palladium: Used for its corrosion resistance, palladium also hardens the substrate.
  • Gold is an attractive precious metal. It also gives substrates strong conductivity, tarnishing, corrosion, and wear resistance.
  • Tin: Cheap and eco-friendly, this colourful metal. Used, it renders substrates corrosion-resistant and bendable.

Applications of Electroplated Parts

Electroplating is used in many sectors. Let’s analyse some.

Aerospace: Aircraft components are exposed to wide temperature variations, therefore coating extends their longevity. It also makes base metal wear-resistant.

Automotive: Automotive businesses electroplate chromium and nickel on automobile and motorbike parts for aesthetics.

Dental and Medical: Electroplated parts are used in forceps, implants, replacement joints, screws, and plates. This coating strengthens them against corrosion.

Prototyping: Since prototyping custom or low-volume metal products are expensive, manufacturers now use 3D printing. This saves time and money.

Power: Electroplating electrical or solar power transmission objects dramatically improves conductivity. Also, it increases durability.

Jewellery: This method is perhaps most used in this industry. Manufacturers use this method to make bracelets, rings, pendants, etc. look and last longer.

Electroplating in Dubai is a long-standing technology. It helps make stronger, more durable, and more attractive parts. An anode, cathode, electrolyte, and power source are needed for electroplating. Want to electroplate something? Risky without sufficient advice or training. You should visit at Classical Metal, electroplating in UAE.

Exploring Options in Metal Finishing Techniques

The using of cutting-edge equipment and highly qualified workers who appreciate the value of the finished product contribute to the rapid growth of the metal manufacturing business. The design and production of the finished product are influenced by several processes that are running concurrently in the manufacturing facilities. But metal polishing is one of the most crucial procedures.

The metal finishing process is critical and necessary since it will determine the final product’s appearance and preserve the materials from outside environmental influences. The removal or reduction of surface roughness is made simpler for the specialists by the metal finishing procedure. The metal finishing process is in charge of cleaning, descaling, deburring, and reducing surface roughness in addition to removing it. If you are looking for metal coating companies in Dubai, we are here for you. But before that, read on know all about different metal finishing techniques.

What is Metal Finishing?

Metal finishing is the process of applying a coating or treatment to the surface of metal objects to enhance their appearance, durability, and performance. This crucial step in metal manufacturing protects against corrosion, wear, and other forms of degradation while also improving aesthetics.

What Are Metal Finishing Techniques?

Metal coating companies in Dubai and the UAE offer various metal finishing techniques to cater to diverse needs. Classic Metal Coating LLC, as a leading player in this industry, excels in the following techniques:

  1. Powder Coating: This technique involves applying a dry powder to the metal’s surface, followed by heat curing. Classic Metal Coating LLC’s advanced powder coating technology ensures a resilient finish that guards against corrosion and wear, making it ideal for architectural elements and industrial equipment throughout the UAE.
  • Electroplating: Electroplating is a process in which a metal coating is deposited onto a metal substrate using an electric current. This technique enhances aesthetics, conductivity, and corrosion resistance. Classic Metal Coating LLC’s skilled team employs precise electroplating methods, perfect for a wide range of applications in the UAE.
  • Anodizing: Primarily used for aluminum, anodizing strengthens the metal’s natural oxide layer, making it more robust and corrosion-resistant. Classic Metal Coating LLC’s anodizing services are vital for outdoor applications like architectural cladding and aerospace components, ensuring longevity in the harsh UAE climate.
  • Metal Plating: Metal plating involves the deposition of a thin layer of a metallic substance onto the surface of a product. This delicate metallic layer serves various purposes, including corrosion prevention, improved strength, aesthetic enhancement, and enhanced adhesion.
  • Galvanizing: Galvanizing entails coating metals or metallic substances with a protective layer of zinc. This technique involves immersing the entire product in a bath of molten zinc. Predominantly utilized for steel objects, galvanization not only imparts a visually appealing look to objects but also enhances their strength and durability.
  • Sandblasting: As its name implies, sandblasting is a metal finishing technique where skilled artisans project sand or a variety of abrasive materials onto the surface of an object at high velocity. This process creates a smooth surface on the objects. The choice of abrasive material depends on the object’s type, allowing for tailored results based on specific requirements.

Best Metal Finishing Techniques

When it comes to choosing the best metal finishing techniques, the suitability depends on the specific application and desired results. For the diverse needs of metal coating in the UAE, Classic Metal Coating LLC offers a holistic approach. Powder coating is excellent for its durability and versatility, while electroplating and anodizing cater to more specialized requirements, ensuring the longevity and performance of coated metals in a demanding environment.


Classic Metal Coating LLC’s commitment to excellence has solidified its reputation as one of the top metal coating companies in Dubai and the UAE. In a region marked by rapid development, metal finishing techniques play a pivotal role in preserving the integrity, aesthetics, and functionality of metal objects. Classic Metal Coating LLC continues to meet these evolving needs, contributing significantly to the UAE’s growth story.

Why Choose Classic Metal LLC?

With years of experience, Classic Metal Coating LLC boasts unmatched expertise in metal finishing techniques, ensuring top-quality results every time. We are the frontrunner in industry advancements, adopting the latest technology and techniques to provide cutting-edge solutions.

Classic Metal Coating LLC understands that each project is unique, offering tailored metal coating solutions that meet specific requirements. The company adheres to stringent quality standards, guaranteeing that all metal finishing work is of the highest quality.

To sum it up, Classic Metal Coating LLC is not just a company; it’s a symbol of excellence in the world of metal coating in the UAE. Our commitment to delivering top-notch metal finishing solutions has made us an indispensable partner in the region’s ongoing growth and development.

Why Choose Gold Plating?

Gold has always been known for its luxury and magnificence. Treasured for centuries, gold jewelry and accessories have been cherished by everyone. But did you know that gold plating has become quite popular over recent years? If you are looking for gold plating services in Dubai, we at Classic Metal Coating LLC are here for you. But before that read on to know the best reasons to do gold plating.

What is Gold plating?

Gold plating is the process where a thin layer of gold is placed onto the surface of various materials to increase appearance and durability. It is a technique that has been used for centuries to embellish decorative items, jewelry, and even architectural elements. Over the years, gold plating services in Ajman for architecture like airports, shopping malls, etc. has become increasingly popular because of the visual beauty that it creates.

Reasons why you should opt for gold plating:

  • Aesthetic excellence

The beauty of gold is eternal. Gold-plated surfaces radiate elegance and prestige which makes it a perfect choice for upscale buildings and commercial spaces. The glossy, golden hue adds a touch of sophistication, creating an atmosphere of luxury and refinement that attracts visitors and residents alike.

  • Durability

Apart from the stunning look, gold plating makes the architecture exceptionally durable. Gold is known for its resistance to rust and tarnishing which makes it an ideal choice for surfaces that call for a long-lasting look. We at Classic Metal Coating are an excellent choice for those who are looking for gold plating services in Ajman. Our team of skilled experts is adept at enhancing the look of pillars, railings, lamp posts, etc.

  • Architectural brilliance

Gold plating in buildings and commercial spaces can elevate the look of the architecture to a whole new level. The gold accents can enhance the look on various items such as pillars, railings, facades, ceilings, etc. and leave a lasting impression on the structure.

  • Symbol of Status

Adding gold plating into commercial spaces can be seen as a symbol of status and success. It speaks of prosperity and opulence that make it an excellent choice for landmark buildings, airports, shopping malls, and other main structures.

  • Customization options

Customers can choose from a variety of finishes and gold tones thanks to Classic Metal Coating LLC’s customizing options. The staff can accommodate your specific tastes, making sure the finished result reflects the architectural concept, whether you want a bright and polished appearance or a more modest matte finish.

How can we help?

Our unmatched knowledge and dedication to quality is what makes us a reliable choice for your gold plating needs. Our talented staff have years of experience in the field and provide perfect and breathtaking results, guaranteeing that each project emanates class and prestige. Our diverse portfolio of Classic Metal Coating LLC includes renowned structures and commercial facilities like airports, which attests to our skillset and confidence in handling big projects. We are an excellent choice to transform commonplace structures into architectural marvels. Classic Metal Coating LLC is the go-to supplier for gold plating services in Dubai thanks to our commitment to withhold the highest levels of craftsmanship.

Do you have any questions for us? Call us at +971 6 748 3804 or +971 55 633 0023. We will be happy to assist you.

Evolution of Electroplating

Electroplating, which involves applying an electrical current to a surface to deposit a layer of metal, has transformed numerous businesses and daily items. Electroplating has developed significantly over time, making it possible to create items that are both long-lasting and attractive to the eye. This blog will examine the fascinating development of electroplating, from its primitive origins to the state-of-the-art methods used today.

Origins of Electroplating:

The invention of electroplating dates back to the early 19th century, when Italian chemist Luigi Brugnatelli used an electrochemical method to effectively cover silver objects with a thin layer of gold. But George Elkington, an Englishman, is frequently given the credit for developing commercial electroplating. The first practical electroplating method was invented by Elkington and his cousin Henry in 1840, opening the door for its industrial use.

Advancements in Electroplating Techniques:

As electroplating in UAE became more common, scientists and engineers worked to enhance the method and broaden its uses. One important breakthrough was the creation of more effective power sources, like rectifiers and dynamo-electric machines. These developments made it possible to provide electroplating with a steady and consistent power source, which produced metal coatings of better calibre and greater uniformity.

Introduction of New Metals and Alloys:

Electroplating methods have improved over time to work with a wider variety of metals and alloys. Initially, the main metals used for electroplating were copper, silver, and gold. However, technological developments made it possible for metals like nickel, chromium, and tin to be deposited, improving both corrosion resistance and aesthetic features. Additionally, new alloys that found use in a variety of industries, including bronze, brass, and stainless steel, were developed in large part thanks to electroplating.

Industrial Applications and Advantages:

The automobile, aerospace, electronics, and jewellery industries were among the first to adopt electroplating. Electroplating served the automotive sector in particular by being used for decorative chrome plating, which gave car parts a bright and corrosion-resistant finish. In the production of printed circuit boards for electronics, electroplating was essential because it allowed for accurate deposition of copper traces and ensured dependable electrical connections.

Environmental Considerations and Innovations:

The obstacles associated with waste disposal and the use of hazardous chemicals in electroplating increased as society grew more conscious of environmental issues. Significant attempts were made, nonetheless, to resolve these problems.

Future Prospects:

With continued study and technological developments, electroplating in UAE appears to have a bright future. Electroplating is currently experiencing a significant surge in popularity for decorative purposes, particularly in hotels and shopping malls. This innovative technique not only provides a visually appealing aesthetic but also ensures durability, surpassing the longevity of traditional painting methods. As a result, electroplating has become the preferred choice among interior designers seeking to enhance the overall appearance of spaces.


Significant developments have been made in electroplating over the years, increasing its capabilities and uses. Electroplating in Dubai has influenced several industries and changed commonplace items from its humble beginnings to its modern state-of-the-art processes. The future of electroplating has a tremendous deal of opportunity for additional innovation, sustainability, and versatility in order to fulfil the demands of a fast-changing world.

Advantages of Rustic Copper Plating Services

Metal plating is a popular finishing technique to improve the toughness, appeal, and functionality of metal items used in many sectors. Rustic copper plating services are one of the many styles of metal plating that have grown in popularity recently. It gives the metal products a distinctive and retro appearance that helps them stand out from the competition. Read on to know the top 5 advantages of hiring rustic copper plating services.

1: Durability

The longevity that rustic copper plating services give to the metal product is one of the main benefits. The metal is shielded from the environment by rustic copper plating, which prevents corrosion, wear and tear, and other environmental effects. The beauty and performance of the metal product are preserved for a longer amount of time because to the plating’s resilience, which reduces the need for frequent replacements.

2: Aesthetic appeal

The aesthetic appeal that rustic copper plating gives the metal product is another benefit of adopting these services. The metal has a classic and exquisite appearance thanks to the rustic copper treatment, which gives it a vintage touch. This kind of finish is ideal for metal products created to order and antique restorations that call for a distinctive and individualized touch. Metal products can stand out and make a statement with the help of rustic copper plating services, drawing appreciation.

3: Versatility

Brass, bronze, and steel are just a few of the metals that can be plated with rustic copper due to their adaptability. This adaptability gives designers and makers of metal goods with a rustic copper finish additional creative latitude. The plating can also be used in other sectors, like the automotive industry, where metal items need to be durable and have a distinctive look.

4: Low Maintenance

Rustic copper plating is a sensible option for metal objects that see frequent wear and tear since it requires little upkeep. The plating is strong and long-lasting, and it just needs to be cleaned occasionally to keep it looking good. Due to the low maintenance requirements, fewer replacements are necessary, which lowers costs and downtime.

5: Cost-Effectiveness

An affordable option to improve the look and functionality of metal objects is to use rustic copper plating services. In comparison to other finishing methods, plating is very inexpensive, and because of the finish’s toughness, metal objects will need less care and maintenance over time. Rustic copper plating services are a sensible option for companies and individuals trying to enhance the appearance and toughness of their metal items because of how affordable they are.

To sum it up,

Rustic copper plating services provide numerous advantages to metal products, including durability, aesthetic appeal, versatility, low maintenance, and cost-effectiveness. There are many benefits of rustic copper plating that make it a popular choice in the classic metal industry, where vintage and personalized looks are highly sought after. If you are looking to enhance the appearance and durability of your metal products, consider using rustic copper plating services.

We at Classic Metal are one of the top rustic copper plating services in Ajman, UAE. We provide rustic copper plating for various projects such as airports, shopping malls, hotels, and much more. Feel free to call us at +971 6 748 3804 or at +971 55 633 0023 to know how we work.

Types of Copper Plating Bath and Applications

Metal finishing is an important technology now, and it would be interesting to remember that when the trend first came in, it was just experimental. But now it is hugely popular, and hence, widely used. Electroplating is a process that gives finishing to the metal, so it provides a good base for other kinds of plating.

So what is copper plating?

In simple terms, copper plating is the process of depositing a thin layer of copper on top of the metallic surface with the help of strong electric current. Rustic copper plating services is a process done mainly for functional and decorative processes. Copper plating serves as an undercoat for other types of plating since it produces dull or tiny, glossy or satin finish. Copper plating is the most common form of plating after nickel plating. Before copper plating is done, the material has to be cleaned so the process will be smooth, without imperfections.

Primarily, copper plating is done for different types of applications. Check them out:

  • As primary undercoating for nickel or silver plating
  • For coating coins to increase their easiness and durability
  • In the big aerials fixed user railways
  • As an antibacterial in medical and laboratory materials
  • Renovating pans and pots

Types of copper plating

There are different kinds of copper plating. They are:

Acid Copper

The acid copper bath consists of acids, copper ions, addicts and either fluoborate or sulfate ions. However, there are some advantages and disadvantages to using acid copper.

The main advantages are:

  • Has low material cost
  • Relatively easy bath maintenance and control
  • Wide range of composition.
  • The main disadvantages are:
  • Less throwing power
  • Not compatible for plating directly on active metals because of lack of proper adhesion

Cyanide Copper

Cyanide Copper is one of the most popular in rustic copper plating services. Through this technique you can deposit a thin, smooth layer on the metal surface of an active metal. This would then go through additional plating. However, the disadvantage with this technique is that it should never be used by amateurs because cyanide is not a chemical you work without proper precautions. And the advantage is that Cyanide Copper baths are alkaline in nature, and so has better throwing better. It can generally plate evenly on metals and provide better adhesion than their acidic or Pyrophosphate plating.

Pyrophosphate Copper

Pyrophosphate Copper is mildly alkaline in nature and was used in the plating of circuit boards. This is essentially a non-toxic process, with Copper Pyrophosphate dissolved in Potassium Pyrophosphate. In copper plating in UAE, this process of plating is ideally used where you need to plate steel components, where high ductility is needed and as a lubricant for deep-drawing applications.

Copper plating applications

Copper plating can be done on plastics and on precious metals like gold, silver and palladium. When copper plating is done on plastic, it will make the plastic stronger, chemical and corrosion resistant and can effectively reflect damaging UV light.

If you are interested in learning more about rustic copper plating services get in touch with a company that offers various copper plating services suitable for different projects. This way you would be able to identify whether to choose acidic or alkaline copper plating.

Uses Of Electroplating In Sharjah

Electroplating is essentially the way toward plating a metal onto the other by hydrolysis for the most part to forestall erosion of metal or for beautifying purposes. The procedure utilizes an electric flow to decrease broke down metal cations to build up a lean intelligible metal covering on the terminal. Electroplating is regularly applied in the electrical oxidation of anions on a strong substrate like the development of silver chloride on silver wire to frame silver chloride terminals.

There are likewise explicit sorts of electroplating, for example, copper plating, silver plating, and chromium plating. Electroplating permits makers to utilize economical metals, for example, steel or zinc for most of the items and afterward apply various metals outwardly to represent appearance, assurance, and different properties wanted for the item.

Electroplating Effects

Electroplating has many effects on an item, remembering changes for conductivity, hardness, obstruction, weakness, and shine. While electroplating a metal surface, the segment can increase ideal qualities from the surface metal that is being plated onto the substrate. Electroplating frequently adds hardness and durability to an item.

Electroplating is commonly accomplished for two very various reasons: enrichment and security. Metals, for example, gold and silver are plated for enrichment: it’s less expensive to have gold-or silver-plated adornments than strong things produced using these substantial, costly, valuable substances. Since various metals are various hues, electroplating can be utilized to give things like rings, chains, identifications, awards, and comparative things a wide scope of alluring, improving completes the process of, including gleaming, matte, and antique minor departure from gold, silver, copper, nickel, and bronze.

The types of materials used for Electroplating are:

The materials used are:

  1. Nickel
  2. Chromium
  3. Palladium
  4. Gold
  5. Silver
  6. Copper
  7. Tin
  8. Platinum
  9. Brass
  10. Zinc

Process of Electroplating

To start with, you need to pick the correct anodes and electrolytes by making sense of the chemical reaction or responses you need to happen when the electric flow is turned on. The metal particles that plate your article originate from out of the electrolyte, so in the event that you need to copper plate something you need an electrolyte produced using an answer of a copper salt, while for gold plating you need a gold-based electrolyte, etc.

Next, you need to guarantee the anode you need to plate is totally perfect. Something else, when metal particles from the electrolyte are saved onto it, they won’t structure decent security and they may essentially focus on once more. For the most part, cleaning is finished by plunging the terminal into a solid corrosive or basic arrangement or by interfacing the electroplating circuit backward. On the off chance that the anode is truly perfect, iotas from the plating metal cling to it adequately by joining emphatically onto the outside edges of its translucent structure.

Presently we’re prepared for the fundamental part of electroplating. We need two anodes produced using diverse leading materials, an electrolyte, and a power flexibly. For the most part, one of the terminals is produced using the metal we’re attempting to plate and the electrolyte is an answer of a salt of a similar metal. In this way, for instance, in case we’re copper plating some metal, we need a copper anode, a metal terminal, and an answer of a copper-based compound, for example, copper sulfate arrangement. Metals, for example, gold and silver don’t effortlessly break down so must be made into arrangements utilizing solid and hazardously unsavory cyanide-based synthetic compounds. The anode that will be plated is commonly produced using a less expensive metal or a nonmetal covered with a leading material, for example, graphite. In any case, it needs to direct power or no electric flow will stream and no plating will happen.

We dunk the two terminals into the arrangement and interface them up into a circuit so the copper turns into the positive terminal (or anode) and the metal turns into the negative terminal (or cathode). At the point when we switch on the force, the copper sulfate arrangement parts into particles (molecules with excessively few or such a large number of electrons). Copper particles (which are decidedly charged) are pulled in to the adversely charged metal terminal and gradually store on it—delivering a slender later of the copper plate. In the interim, sulfate particles (which are contrarily charged) show up at the emphatically charged copper anode, delivering electrons that travel through the battery toward the negative, metal terminal.

It requires some investment for electroplated molecules to develop on the outside of the anode. How long precisely relies upon the quality of the electric flow you use and the convergence of the electrolyte. Expanding both of these speeds up at which particles and electrons travel through the circuit and the speed of the plating procedure. For whatever length of time that particles and electrons continue moving, current continues streaming, and the plating procedure proceeds.

Uses of Electroplating

  1. A few metals are considered definitely more alluring and important than others, gold and silver being the most established and most clear models. In any case, gold and silver are uncommon and costly. Through electroplating, an extremely flimsy layer of gold or silver can cover a less important metal, making the last item with all the shine and excellence of those uncommon metals, at a small amount of the expense.
  2. Electroplating can likewise secure surfaces by covering them with a flimsy layer of metal that will be more impervious to consumption than the material of which they are fundamentally created.
  3. Gold and silver are astounding channels of power, yet they are, as noted, restrictively costly. Through electroplating methods, exceptionally limited quantities of these valuable, profoundly conductive metals can be fused into electronic segments and coordinated circuits. PDAs, PCs, and other electronic gadgets all utilize electroplating procedures in their circuits.
  4. While beauty, assurance from erosion, and electrical conductivity are the properties most normally granted through electroplating, as portrayed above, electroplating can likewise be utilized to lessen contact, shield from the scraped spot, shield from radiation, or in any case grant wanted attributes to a surface that does not have those properties.


There are many reasons why you should use electroplating for many metals. Silver plating and gold plating of adornments or flatware normally are performed to improve the appearance and estimation of the things. Chromium plating improves the presence of articles and furthermore improves its wear. Now and then, electroplating is performed essentially to expand the thickness of a thing.

How Electroplating Works?

Electroplating is basically a surface treatment which is done to increase the substrate’s tensile strength, wear resistance, corrosion resistance, and enhance its aesthetics. Electroplating is widely used in various industries, including the automotive, electronics, medical, aviation, defense, and other sectors due to its superior functioning. If you are looking for metal coating industries in UAE, then this is for you.

How does electroplating work?

According on the plating layer and substrate, there are numerous distinct electroplating procedures, which have a long history of development. Depending on the type of technique, we can categorize electroplating as either wet or dry. The wet electroplating method stands out among them since it is more developed, costs less than the others, doesn’t require a high-temperature or high-vacuum equipment, and can be used for mass manufacturing. There are two methods of plating – electrolytic plating and electroless plating.

  1. Electrolytic plating process

The term “electrolytic plating” typically refers to a procedure where the anode and cathode react, converting the metal of the anode into metal ions in the electroplating solution and dissolving, and then diffusing to the surface of the cathode to be plated, making it adhere and deposit. If the anode is a metal-free plate, additional metal ions to be plated must be introduced to the electrolyte if the anode being employed is a metal-free plate.

  1. Electroless plating process

Electroless plating, sometimes referred to as autocatalytic plating, is a method that makes advantage of the metal’s autocatalytic reaction to deposit metal on the substrate’s surface via its redox effect. This method calls for the use of a reducing agent for the metal ions in the electroplating solution to absorb electrons and be reduced to the substrate during this process.

Types of electroplating

Plating is the process of depositing a thin layer of metal on the surface of another metal or non-metal material. The plating process is used to improve the appearance, durability, and corrosion resistance of a material. There are many plating methods available, and each method has its unique benefits and drawbacks. That said, let’s discuss four popular plating methods: gold plating, silver plating, antique finishes plating, and brass plating.

  1. Gold Plating

Gold plating is the process of depositing a thin layer of gold on a base metal, usually copper, brass, or silver. Gold plating is done for various industries including cars, shopping malls, or any other commercial purposes. The thickness of the gold layer can vary from a few microns to several microns, depending on the application. Gold plating can be done in several ways, including electroplating, electroless plating, and vacuum deposition.

Vacuum deposition is a method of gold plating that involves vaporizing gold in a vacuum chamber and allowing the gold atoms to deposit on the surface of the base metal. This method is commonly used for plating high-tech applications such as semiconductors and electronics.

  1. Silver Plating

Silver plating is the process of depositing a thin layer of silver on a base metal, usually copper or brass. Silver plating is used to improve the appearance, corrosion resistance, and conductivity of a material. Silver plating is commonly used in the electronics industry to improve the conductivity of contacts and connectors. The thickness of the silver layer can vary from a few microns to several microns, depending on the application. If you are looking for metal coating industries in UAE, then we are ready to assist you.

  1. Antique Finishes Plating

Antique finishes plating is the process of depositing a thin layer of metal on a base metal to create an aged or distressed appearance. Antique finishes plating is commonly used in the jewelry industry to create a vintage or antique look. The thickness of the metal layer can vary from a few microns to several microns, depending on the application.

The antique finishes plating process involves several steps, including surface preparation, plating, and finishing. The surface of the base metal is first prepared by cleaning, polishing, and sometimes etching. The plating is then applied using electroplating or electroless plating methods. The plating layer is then intentionally tarnished.

  1. Brass Plating

Brass plating is the process of depositing a thin layer of brass on a base metal, usually copper, steel, or zinc. Brass plating is used to improve the appearance and corrosion resistance of a material. The thickness of the brass layer can vary from a few microns to several microns, depending on the application.

Brass plating is commonly used in the automotive industry to improve the appearance of metal parts. It is also used in the manufacturing of electronic components, plumbing fixtures, and decorative items.

One of the advantages of brass plating is its corrosion resistance. Brass is a corrosion-resistant metal, and the brass plating layer can protect the underlying metal from rust and corrosion. Brass plating can also improve the durability of a material, making it more resistant to wear and tear.

Overall, brass plating is a versatile and cost-effective plating method that can improve the appearance and durability of a wide range of materials. Whether you are looking to improve the appearance of your car or create a decorative item, brass plating is a great option to consider.


To sum it up, electroplating is a popular and effective method of depositing a thin layer of metal onto a substrate material. This process involves the use of an electrical current to deposit metal ions onto the surface of the substrate, creating a uniform and durable coating that can improve the appearance, durability, and corrosion resistance of the material.

Electroplating can be used to coat a wide range of materials, including metals, plastics, and ceramics. It is commonly used in the manufacturing of automotive parts, electronic components, and decorative items. The thickness of the coating can be adjusted by varying the plating time and current, allowing for precise control over the plating process.

Electroplating is a widely used and effective method for improving the appearance and durability of materials. With proper safety precautions and adherence to environmental regulations, electroplating can provide a reliable and high-quality finish for a wide range of applications.

If you are looking for “metal coating company near me”, then we are there for you. We at Classic Metal Coating are one of the top metal coating industries in UAE. Our services include malls, airports, hotels, frames, buildings, etc. We handle all types of finishes such as Antique, Brass, Copper, Gold, Silver, Nickel, Chromium, Black Nickel, Rustic and Patination.

Want to know how we work? Feel free to call us at +971 6 748 3804 or at +971 55 633 0023.

Various Uses For Nickel Plating And How It Can Increase The Lifespan And Appearance Of Your Products

An electroplating technique called bright nickel plating involves coating a metal surface with a thin layer of nickel. It provides a wide range of benefits, including an enhanced look, greater electrical conductivity, and increased durability. If you are looking for nickel plating in UAE, then this is for you. But before that, read about the many benefits of bright nickel plating in this blog post.

Aesthetic look

The dazzling finish that bright nickel plating is known for serves to enhance the look of the things to which it is applied. Be it nickel plated mirror or an antique piece, it enhances the look of your home that not only adds an aesthetic look but also is quite functional. Nickel plating is an excellent choice to polish chandeliers, bathtubs (that’s right), stairs, windowsills, and much more. It adds a stylish edge to your home making it look sophisticated and classy.

Electrical Conductivity and Enhanced Designs

Due to its low resistance and great thermal stability, nickel plating has a high conductivity. As a result, it is perfect for electronic parts like circuit boards, which need effective power transfer to work properly. But that’s not all. There are many designer nickel-plated switches available that will make your home look great.

Upgrades your home décor without burning a hole in your wallet

If you are an interior designer, offering your clients a high-end aesthetic without spending exorbitant money is one of the best reasons to add nickel plating to your furnishings or decor. Decor crafted using nickel plating will not only increase the lifespan of the product but also make it look good while fitting in the budget.

With nickel plating, you can have a thin layer of gold added to any ornament that will completely transform the décor giving it a brand-new look. The buyer will still gain the desired aesthetic, but the cost of making and purchasing the decor will be lower.

New Nickel-plated walls

Break the rules and indulge in nickel walls in your house. Simply paint some nickel stripes or go classic with nickel-painted polka dots that add a hint of glitz to your home. You can also choose some nickel-rimmed frames and hang them up there for a more transient look for the walls.


You may use the Nickel color in nearly everything at home. Your bed is one of those places. A headboard in a dark color with nickel-plated lines going across it will stand out nicely. Deep blue and dark crimson are two hues that go well with nickel.

Accents and Furnishings

If you have any vintage collectibles, nickel-plate them. Now, use these as lovely accent pieces for your house, and you’ll adore how much glamor they give your decor. For a bit of additional sparkle, you can also think about hanging a few nickel-plated lanterns inside your home.

It’s crucial to find the right balance when adding nickel to your décor. Don’t get carried away with this finish because mistakes are quite easy to make. Carefully using nickel elements in your home can give you that slick appearance that will get you complements from everyone who visits your home.


Nickel plating is a fantastic option for a variety of applications, both big and small that enhances the appearance and increases its lifespan. Nickel plating is an excellent choice if you want to give your products a polished appearance or if you want to enhance the look of your home by transforming your décor within a budget. If you need a durable coating for your interiors, think about making a dazzling nickel-plating investment right now…!!!

How do we help?

Classic Metal Coating is one of the top electroplating companies in the UAE. If you are looking for a “metal coating company near me”, you are sure to find us on top of the search results. We are the top companies that provide gold, silver, and nickel plating in UAE at a budget-friendly cost.

Our skilled experts and craftsmen can transform your home or home décor into something brilliant and beautiful at an affordable price. Call us today to know more at Tel: +971 6 748 3804, Mobile: +971 55 633 0023 or email us your queries at classmc@eim.ae.